Tuesday, July 22, 2014


(I never finished that 30 day writing challenge WHOOPS.)
(Anyway, here's a thing.)

Please stop saying you’re looking for your other half.

You are not a half. You are a whole.

You are not half a person. You are not half a heart, half a soul, or half a mind.

Listen to your heartbeat. It’s the sound of that heart, your heart, pumping blood through your veins, to your feet and legs and fingertips. It’s the sound of a heart that can feel sadness, happiness, loneliness, satisfaction—it’s the sound of a heart that can be reckless, impulsive, or wise. You feel all those things—yes, you. You don’t need another person to feel the wide range of emotion that your heart is capable of feeling.

If you’ve asked Jesus into your heart, it’s already more than full. It’s overflowing with love: the love of the One who died to save you from death. That love is all your heart will ever truly need.

And your mind—your mind! It spins thoughts and ideas so wonderful, so creative, or otherwise so weird that you catch yourself off-guard sometimes. The things you think and the ideas you have are unique to you. Your mind is not incomplete; there’s a voice there, inside, uniquely yours, that lets you know “yes, your mind is whole.”

How you use it is up to you. Don’t waste your thoughts thinking that you’re somehow “less,” you’re somehow “missing” something, because you are already enough. You’ve been enough since the day you were born.

And your soul. The essential thing that defines you as “human,” that separates you from the bugs crawling on the ground or the trees growing in the forest. Your soul is where your true self lies. It’s where your personality resides, where your deepest wants and most urgent needs stem from.

You were given a soul, you were blessed with it, and it is already wholly you.

You were not given half a soul, half a heart, or half a mind. You were given all these things, fully, by your Creator; and if you feel as though part of yourself is missing, it’s because you need Him, not a spouse.

Your boyfriend or girlfriend or what-have-you will not suddenly make your mind more intelligent; they will not cure the aches in your heart that only your Savior can fix; they will not make your soul more potent, more lovely, somehow, than it already is.

Maybe, if you find love, it will bring out parts of you that you never knew were there. But you are not “missing” anything. You are not half of anything.

You are whole; because your Creator made you that way.

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