Thursday, November 07, 2013


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist titling this post "feels." :p

For no good reason, I've felt very irritated the past few days. I've felt more "on edge" about things, and been a bit frustrated & stressed in general. I have no idea why. I don't know if it's the stress of school getting to me, or if it's some odd form of homesickness—but something's started gnawing away at me and I'm trying really hard not to let it dampen my attitude.

This has happened a couple of times before—my suddenly feeling irritated for no reason. Usually, after a lot of thought, I can pinpoint the source of it and deal with it. I'm hoping that in a couple days, I'll get over whatever weird frustration I'm feeling and go back to normal.

But it's funny, because being randomly irritated has reminded me how powerful our emotions can be. Being annoyed, by extension, makes me cranky, and being cranky makes me want to act more sarcastic towards people—it makes me want to sit in my room and mope all day—and it almost completely drains any motivation I have.